Parent, Teacher, Student Association (P.T.S.A.) Information
Who we are
The King's High School P.T.S.A. committee includes parents/caregivers of current students, teacher representatives and student representatives.
The P.TS.A. grants funding requests and has assisted in funding trips, equipment, resources, groups, and school initiatives. We organize fundraising, with one of our main initiatives being the second hand uniform shop. In addition, we support and help groups with their fundraising. We also grant junior scholarships and senior prizes annually, apply for grants, and host social occasions at the request of the school.
Our meetings
The P.T.S.A meets on the second Wednesday of every month. Meetings alternate between being held from 7pm at the school library, or by arrangement.
Attending P.T.S.A. meetings is a great way of finding out what's happening at your son's school. These meetings are often attended by a student representative, a teacher representative and the Deputy Rector.
The meetings are an opportunity for parents to hear first hand from the staff and student representatives about what is happening in the school. It is also an opportunity to discuss and have input into ways the P.T.S.A. can support the school, to ask questions of staff and student representatives and to get to know other parents who are also keen to make a contribution to their son’s learning at King’s.
Meeting dates
Every second Wednesday of the Month except in School holidays
Check out our facebook page to get updates for the meetings under Kings High School P.T.S.A Dunedin
Our Role, Funds and Fundraising
Each year families are asked to make a donation to the P.T.S.A. This is a significant part of our income and together with money raised from other fundraising events and grant applications, it allows us to make purchases which benefit the school as a whole.
Another integral part of the P.T.S.A.'s role is to assist at school functions such as the Open Night, Sports Awards and Prize Giving. The P.T.S.A. members make a significant contribution to running the social aspects of these events and our support is always much appreciated by the school.
New Members
We always welcome new members, either on the committee to assist with our various projects. Anyone who has a son at the school is welcome to attend our meetings and it is up to each individual to contribute to our projects according to time and ability.
Our Communication
We have a Facebook page Kings High School P.T.S.A Dunedin where upcoming events and fundraisers are posted and if you follow us you will receive notification of these.
If you would like to be involved in the P.T.S.A. or find out more information please email ptsa@kingshigh.school.nz
Second Hand Uniforms
We have a second hand uniform shop where we sell items that are donated or we can sell on behalf of those who request it. We accept items that are clean and sellable. For more information email ptsa@kingshigh.school.nz