Badminton has always been a high profile sport at King's. Badminton Otago puts training and representative programmes in place for intermediate and secondary aged students.
In recent years there has been five teams entered in the local secondary schools' competition, played on Wednesday afternoons at various venues around the city. The top teams are based at Badminton Hall, a few blocks away from King's. The local schools' competition runs throughout Term 2 and the early part of Term 3 each winter. King's has a winter sports exchange in Badminton with Waitaki Boys', Otago Boys' and Southland Boys' High Schools. The tournaments are played on a home and away basis in alternative years.
King's has a proud history in this sport; Jeff Robson was a New Zealand representative in both tennis and badminton in the 1960's, Duncan Rea was a New Zealand representative in the 1980's and James Sullivan continues to represent Otago today. There are also a number of age group Otago representatives in the school currently and a number of promising players in our junior ranks.
For more information contact:
Mr Rod Bannister
Director of Sport